Saturday, December 19, 2009

A Christian Business

There is no shortage today of directories and yellow pages geared towards spotlighting Christian businesses, or businesses that claim a foundation in Christianity. But the question I have is, what does a Christian business look like? I know of many businesses, both as a consumer and as a consultant, that claim a Christian foundation, and demonstrate this belief through various evangelistic actions within the conduct of the business day. Is this the definition of a Christian business? Is it the outward appearance of Christianity, such as bible tracts in the reception room, bible studies on business time or on business property, or Christian music being piped in to the work area, or is it the quiet integrity of the business itself that defines whether the business has a claim on Christianity.

Last summer, WMBI, a radio station owned by the Moody Bible Institute, aired a segment on its "Morning Drive" program about Christian businesses. The host of the show asked a question to the listeners...would you do business with a Christian business? For a variety of very disturbing reasons, the listeners who called in decided the answer to the question was predominantly no.

Recently, while trying to catch up on some reading, I stumbled across an article in a well read business magazine. The article was about a business that leaves no doubt in the reader's mind that it lays a claim to Christianity. In the article, the author highlighted that the business sent vendors gifts of inspirational books, had a chaplain on paid staff and conducted noon bible studies, among many other things. Is this the definition of a Christian business? Or is the definition of a Christian business one that operates according to sound business principles, which have a foundation in scripture? Or maybe the definition is a blend of both concepts.

I will be probing this question with an in depth article on my website,, in January, 2010. I look forward to sharing my thoughts on this topic with you then, and incorporating your views on this topic also.