Sunday, August 8, 2010

A Remarkable Saturday

What a day! A day worshiping God...sharing the experience with a colleague...and being taught by gifted christian leaders at a men's conference at Moody Bible Institute. The speakers were Paul Nyquist, president of Moody Bible Institute, James MacDonald, founding pastor at Harvest Bible Chapel and James Ford, senior pastor at Christ Bible Church. They were all gifted, inspiring and led by the Spirit. Every Sunday I have the privilege of worshiping under the direction of Tim Stafford and Brandon Chism at The Moody Church, but Saturday, their worship band sounded better than ever.

I must admit, though, the Spirit was most at work convicting me through the words of James Ford. He spoke on Daniel 1, with the theme of integrity. Pastor Ford stated that there are five passions necessary to becoming clean. The five passions are:

1) Desire, which governs belief.
2) Decision, which governs behavior.
3) Determination, which strives for the goal.
4) Discipline, denying yourself.
5) Diligence, maintaining your actions.

Pastor Ford also stated that the key to cleanliness is to offer ourself as a living sacrifice.

As he spoke, I began thinking of how I appear to those I report to. Do I submit to their authority while remaining true to my faith and love of God? What about those who report to me? Am I a humble and mentoring leader? And our clients, do I instill confidence in the quality and integrity of our service?

I realized that I possibly have come a long way, but a greater distance of the journey has yet to be done than I have so far completed. Where as much as I believe I have the desire, I have fallen short on the decision, determination, discipline and diligence.

And then, if the message was not clear enough, this morning at The Moody Church, Pastor Bertsche preached using Psalm 50:20-21:

"You speak continually against your brother, and slander your own mother's son. These things you have done and I kept silent; you thought I was altogether like you. But I will rebuke you and accuse you to your face." (NIV)

Hard words to hear, but the message is clear. Just as Daniel influenced Hananiah, Mishael, Azariah, and ultimately King Nebuchadnezzar, I have to be an influence on those around me, through my actions and not simply my words. Only through living a life of integrity will any person desire to have what I have with God.